7 Best Beginner-friendly Poses for a Healthy Spine

In this feature, we delve into the core movements of the spine and present the 7 best beginner-friendly Compact Yoga Wall poses, specially designed to foster a healthy, flexible, and empowered spine.

Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a curious beginner, the Compact Yoga Wall is a game-changer you don't want to miss.

Understanding the Spine's Six Movements

Before we dive into the poses, let's grasp the essence of the six primary movements that govern the health of our spine:

  • Flexion: Picture the forward bending movement that shortens the front of your body. It's the motion you engage when reaching to touch your toes or curling up into a ball. Flexion helps stretch and loosen the back muscles, perfect for warming up or cooling down.

  • Extension: Opposite to flexion, extension involves arching the back and opening the front of the body. Think of how you stretch your body when you lean back or look up at the sky. Extension strengthens the back muscles and promotes a proud posture.

  • Rotation to the Left and Right: Twisting motions that gracefully turn the spine to the left or right side of the body. Twisting poses help maintain spinal mobility and have detoxifying effects on internal organs.

  • Lateral Flexion: The side-bending movement, where the spine bends to the left or right without twisting. For this purpose we have chosen a Parighasana.

  • Axial Extension: The axial extension involves the lengthening of the spine along its axis without any bending or twisting. Poses like Mountain Pose (Tadasana) exemplify this movement, promoting alignment and grounding.


  • Axial Flexion: The axial flexion entails a gentle forward fold with a straight spine. Poses like Forward Bend (Uttanasana) offer this movement, providing a soothing stretch for the hamstrings and lower back.

With a grasp of these fundamental spinal movements, let's explore the 7 best Compact Yoga Wall poses that bring harmony and healing to your spine.

1) Maryasana (Moving Cats) Pose

Our journey begins with a graceful warm-up, the Maryasana pose. This gentle movement guides your spine through both flexion and extension and warms-up your spine for more profound poses to come.

Equipment needed: Yoga straps

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Begin by kneeling on the ground in a hip-width position.
  • Hold onto the Compact Yoga Wall straps with your palms, ensuring a secure grip.
  • Lean forward slightly while keeping your pelvis positioned above your knees.
  • As you exhale, extend your arms overhead, allowing your chest to gently descend towards the mat. Curl your back and bring your shoulder blades closer together on your upper back. Tilt your tailbone downward and under.
  • Inhale as you draw your navel towards your spine, arching your spine upwards to round your back.
  • Follow the movement of your spine with your head, maintaining a smooth flow.
  • Repeat this arching and rounding movement as many times as desired to thoroughly warm up your spine.
  • Let your head naturally follow the movement, enhancing the stretch and mobility of your upper body.

2) Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Experience the Utkatasana, or Chair Pose, a pose that both lengthens and strengthens your spine. When you raise your arms overhead, your spine stretches, creating a long line from top to bottom. This pose offers an axial extension to the spine. This pose facilitates an axial extension of the spine, enhancing its overall length.

Furthermore, when you lower down to an imaginary chair, you activate and strengthen not only your core muscles but also the muscles in your lower body.

Equipment needed: Yoga straps

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Stand with your feet positioned close to each other.
  • Push against the Compact Yoga Wall straps, utilizing them for added support and stability.
  • Begin by raising your arms overhead, extending them upward.
  • Gradually initiate the bending of your knees as you lower your body into a squatting position.
  • Imagine sitting on an invisible chair, engaging your core muscles.
  • Use the Compact Yoga Wall straps by pressing your palms against them, finding extra assistance as needed.
  • Keep your core muscles actively engaged while taking deep and mindful breaths that expand down to your belly.

3) Malasana (Garland Pose or Yogi Squat)

Experience the grounding Malasana pose, also known as the Yogi Squat which offers a gentle and beneficial movement for the spine. As you lower yourself into the squatting position, the spine undergoes flexion, encouraging a rounding of the back and lengthening of the entire spinal column. This flexion gently stretches the back muscles and helps release tension accumulated throughout the day.

Equipment Needed: Compact Yoga Wall straps

By utilizing the straps, you can comfortably explore a deeper squat, targeting your hips, groin, and lower back.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Stand facing the Compact Yoga Wall with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart. Turn your feet out about 30 degrees.
  • Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, slowly bend your knees deeply, lowering yourself into a squatting position.
  • Use the Compact Yoga Wall straps as your guiding tool, holding onto them with a firm grip. Allow the straps to support and aid you in shifting into the deep squat.
  • Press your knees open and to the sides, engaging your core and lower body muscles.

4) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

Adho Mukha Svanasana, or Downward-Facing Dog pose, involves a forward fold and an elongation of the spine as you press your hips up and back, creating an inverted V shape. This movement encourages traction and extension along the entire length of the spine, helping to relieve compression and tension. This gentle inversion allows for the gentle stretching of the spine's muscles and ligaments, contributing to better spinal health by promoting flexibility, alignment, and overall well-being.

Equipment Needed: Yoga belt

The belt assists in maintaining proper alignment and stability as you work to lengthen your spine and find ease in the pose. Incorporating this variation into your practice can provide a more accessible and comfortable experience while still benefiting from the rejuvenating effects of the traditional pose.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Set Up: Begin by placing the Yoga belt on your hipbone level, ensuring it's secure and comfortable.
  • Proper Alignment and Stance: Fold forward from the hips and extend your hands overhead towards the floor, allowing the belt to support your reach.
  • Perform the Movement:
  • With the belt's support, push your arms down and forward as if you’re reaching for the floor. Place them down on the floor shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift your sitting bones up towards the ceiling, creating a pyramid-like shape with your body.
  • Engage your core muscles to help maintain balance and stability.
  • Simultaneously, press your heels towards the floor, feeling a gentle stretch in the backs of your legs.
  • Breathe deeply and hold the pose, allowing your body to settle into the alignment.

5) Gate Pose (Parighasana)

Equipment Needed: The Compact Yoga Wall straps

Discover the elegance of Gate Pose, as you embrace lateral flexion and gracefully stretch one leg out to the side. Allow the Compact Yoga Wall and straps to guide you in finding alignment and spaciousness in this rejuvenating side-bending pose. Gate Pose strengthens the side muscles, improves balance, and enhances spinal flexibility.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  •  Come in kneeling. Press your chest gently toward the wall, ensuring your body is in a straight line. Extend one leg out to the side, aligning it with your hip and trunk. Bend the other leg, ensuring your buttock rests directly over your knee.
  • Hold onto the yoga straps with a firm grip.
  • Exhale as you bend over your extended leg, maintaining the feeling of moving between two imaginary panes of glass.
  • Keep your sternum pointed toward the wall throughout the movement.
  • Inhale as you return to an upright position.
  • As you bend to the side, let your gaze move upwards toward your upper palm, and as you return to a kneeling position, direct your gaze back to the Yoga Wall.

6) Leg Rolls

Leg Rolls with the legs placed on a yoga belt introduce a gentle twist and rotational movement for the spine. As you lower your legs to the side while keeping your knees together, the yoga belt provides support and guidance, allowing for a controlled rotation of the hips and spine. This twist engages the oblique muscles and promotes mobility in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Begin by lying on your back with your legs extended up to shoulder height and your palms facing the floor.
  • Secure the Compact Yoga Wall straps around your ankles.
  • Press your lower back into the floor as you straighten your legs perpendicular to the floor, maintaining a slight bend in your knees for comfort.
  • Keep your inner thighs engaged and close together throughout the movement.
  • Exhale and slowly lower your legs to the side while keeping your knees tightly together.
  • Maintain the engagement of your shoulders, pressing them down gently during the movement.
  • Simultaneously, pull your navel towards your spine to engage your core muscles.
  • Inhale as you bring your legs back up to the starting position.

7) Shavasana

To wrap up your practice, transition into Shavasana, also referred to as Corpse pose. Shavasana is a foundational posture that marks the culmination of every yoga session. Shavasana invites practitioners to experience a profound sense of release and rejuvenation. As you recline in this pose, it provides a canvas for your spine to naturally find its focal points and all its inherent curves. Shavasana serves as a gateway to profound restoration, enabling you to express gratitude to your body for its vitality, strength, and flexibility, as well as to acknowledge the courage and curiosity that led you to embark on your transformative journey with the Compact Yoga Wall.

How to Practice Shavasana:

  • Preparation: Lie down on your back with your legs extended and feet hip-width apart. Let your arms rest alongside your body, palms facing upward. Ensure that your body is in a straight line, with the neck and spine aligned.
  • Relaxation: Close your eyes and let go of any tension in your body. Soften your facial muscles, release the grip in your jaw, and allow your shoulders to sink into the ground. Surrender to the natural rhythm of your breath.
  • Body Scan: Take a moment to mentally scan your body from head to toe. Observe any areas of tension or discomfort, and consciously release them with each exhale. Imagine your body becoming lighter and sinking deeper into the ground with each breath.
  • Duration: Ideally, Shavasana should last for at least 5-10 minutes to fully reap its benefits. However, you can extend the duration based on your comfort and time availability.

As you embark on this journey of self-discovery through the 7 best Compact Yoga Wall poses, remember that yoga is not about perfection but embracing the process of growth. The Compact Yoga Wall props empower you to explore your practice safely and mindfully. I hope you find the right alignment with the aid of the yoga straps and the belt.

For personalized guidance and to make the most of these poses, consider seeking the expertise of a certified yoga instructor, especially if you have specific physical needs or are new to the practice. A knowledgeable instructor can provide modifications and ensure you practice safely and effectively.

As I always say: A happy spine makes a happy mind. So, set up your Compact Yoga Wall and elevate your yoga experience to new heights—unlocking a healthier, happier, and harmonious spine. I hope you find peace and joy from your practice.



With love – Your Coach, Monika

May 25, 2023 — My Store Admin