7 strength training exercises on Compact Yoga Wall 

In this feature, we'll explore seven powerful strength-enhancing exercises that can massively enhance your regular yoga practice and improve your strength levels using the Compact Yoga Wall. Within these movements lies the key to elevating your overall strength and targeting specific muscle groups in unique ways. 

By incorporating this comprehensive full-body circuit into your weekly workout routine in addition to your yoga practice, you'll embark on a journey towards enhanced body strength and improved endurance. The Compact Yoga Wall offers support and resistance to amplify the impact of each exercise. 


Video Content: 

As the video begins, you'll be introduced to a series of carefully selected exercises that target different muscle groups, ranging from engaging sumo squats that strengthen your lower body to the dynamic challenge of pull-ups using the Compact Yoga wall, Yoga belt and Yoga straps.


Strategies for an effective strength-building routine

For those looking to enhance their strength levels and build a solid foundation of muscle endurance, incorporating targeted strength training exercises into your weekly workout routine is crucial. To achieve optimal results, it's recommended to perform this circuit twice a week. 

Consistency is key in building and maintaining strength.As you progress, consider increasing the number of repetitions or gradually increasing the resistance or difficulty level of the exercises. 


Perform each exercise as a  standalone block.


Execute 2-3 sets of each exercise block before moving on to the next. Take a 1-minute rest between sets. 


Block 1: Sumo Squat 

  • Focus: Enhance lower body strength, inner thighs, and hips. 
  • Reps: 8-12 reps. 
  • Rest: 1 minute. 

    Block 2: Back Extension 

  • Focus: Strengthen lower back muscles for better posture. 
  • Reps: 8-12 reps. 
  • Rest: 1 minute. 

    Block 3: Cossack Squat 

  • Focus: Unilateral leg strength, balance, and stability. 
  • Reps: 8-12 reps. 
  • Rest: 1 minute. 

    Block 4: Reverse Plank with Leg Lift 

  • Focus: Engage core, glutes, and upper body. 
  • Reps: 8-12 reps (alternating legs). 
  • Rest: 1 minute. 

    Block 5: Pistol Squat 

  • Focus: Target quads, hamstrings, glutes, balance, and core. 
  • Reps: 8-12 reps per leg. 
  • Rest: 1 minute. 

    Block 6: Push-Up 

  • Focus: Strengthen chest, shoulders, triceps, core, and back. 
  • Reps: 8-12 reps. 
  • Rest: 1 minute. 

    Block 7: Pull-Up 

  • Focus: Engage back, shoulders, biceps, core, and grip. 
  • Reps: 8-12 reps. 
  • Rest: 1 minute. 

    Prioritizing proper form and paying attention to your body's cues are essential components of a successful strength training regimen. If you're new to these exercises or have any pre-existing medical conditions, consulting a fitness professional before embarking on this training program is advisable.


    Sumo Squat - Building Lower Body Strength: 

    1. Inner Thigh and Hip Strength: The sumo squat is a potent exercise that targets the inner thighs and hip muscles. As you lower into the squat position, your inner thigh muscles (adductors) and the muscles around your hips (hip abductors and external rotators) engage to control the movement. This engagement promotes muscular development and strength in these areas, contributing to improved overall lower body strength.

    1. Core Engagement: Engaging the core is a vital aspect of the sumo squat. As you squat down, your core muscles work to stabilize your torso and maintain proper alignment. This constant engagement of the core muscles enhances their strength and endurance over time. The core's involvement also supports your lower back and helps prevent excessive strain during the squat, contributing to a well-rounded strengthening effect.

    How sumo squats are enhancing Yoga Asana Practice: 

    The sumo squat's focus on lower body strength directly translates to your yoga practice. Poses like Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) and Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana) require strong legs and hips for stability. Regular practice of sumo squats enhances these muscles, providing a more grounded foundation in these standing poses.

    Equipment Needed: Yoga belt

    Step 1: Set Up the Yoga Belt

    • Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes pointing slightly outward. Position the yoga belt behind your shoulder blades, allowing it to rest comfortably against your upper back and shoulders.
    • Hold the ends of the yoga belt in each hand and adjust the length so that there is slight tension when you hold it. The belt will act as your support, helping you maintain alignment during the squat.

    Step 2: Proper Alignment

    • Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel towards your spine. Keep your chest lifted and your shoulders relaxed as you hold onto the yoga belt.
    • Lean slightly back into the belt, using it as support to maintain an upright posture. This will prevent you from leaning too far forward during the squat.

    Step 3: Perform the Squat

    • As you inhale, initiate the squat by bending your knees and hips simultaneously. Lower your body down towards the ground, ensuring that your knees track in line with your toes.
    • Imagine sitting back into an imaginary chair, allowing your hips to move back as you squat. Keep your chest lifted and your back straight throughout the movement.
    • Continue lowering yourself until your thighs are at least parallel to the ground. You can go deeper if your mobility allows, but always maintain proper alignment.

    Step 4: Ascend and Finish

    • Exhale as you push through your heels and engage your leg muscles to stand back up. Focus on driving your hips forward and maintaining the support of the yoga belt on your back.
    • As you reach the top position, ensure that your hips are fully extended and your core is engaged. Keep your shoulders relaxed and chest lifted.



    • Keep your knees in line with your toes throughout the movement to prevent excessive stress on your joints.
    • Engage your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings as you rise from the squat.
    • Breathe naturally throughout the movement, inhaling as you lower and exhaling as you stand.
    • If you're new to sumo squats or have any mobility restrictions, start with a shallower range of motion and gradually increase it as you become more comfortable.


    1. Back extension – Strengthening the Back

    Back extensions strengthen the muscles of the lower back, including the erector spinal muscles. Strengthening the erector spinal muscles through back extensions provides vital support to the spine. This support is crucial for maintaining a neutral spine alignment in various yoga poses, ensuring that you avoid excessive rounding or arching of the back.

    Performing back extensions with a yoga belt for support allows you to focus on the controlled movement and engagement of the lower back muscles. The muscles of the core work in synergy with the muscles of the back. As your back muscles become stronger, they cooperate more effectively with your core muscles to stabilize and align your torso. This collaborative effort improves your overall posture and the integrity of your yoga poses.

    How back extensions are enhancing Yoga Asana Practice:

     Back extensions are particularly beneficial for improving your ability to perform back bending poses in yoga. With a stronger and more flexible lower back, you'll find greater ease in poses like Cobra, Upward Facing Dog, and Wheel Pose.

    Equipment Needed: Yoga belt, Yoga wall

    Step 1: Set Up the Yoga Belt and Yoga Wall

    • Adjust the Yoga belt  to  your hip bone level. 
    • Stand facing  away from the yoga wall. Place your on the Compact Yoga Wall and press your heels towards the Wall for support. 

    Step 2: Proper Alignment

    • Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, shoulders relaxed, and chest lifted.
    • Place your hands behind your head and open your shoulders to your sides.
    • Engage your core muscles by gently bracing your abdominal muscles. This will help stabilize your spine and protect your lower back.

    Step 3: Perform the Back Extension

    • As you inhale, initiate the back extension by slowly hinging forward from the hips. Your movement should be controlled and gradual.
    • Keep your back straight as you lean into the yoga belt. Your hips should remain stable, and your core engagement will prevent excessive arching in your lower back.
    • Focus on the extension occurring from your hips, allowing your torso to move forward while maintaining alignment.

    Step 4: Ascend and Finish

    • Exhale as you use your lower back muscles to gently return to an upright position. The yoga belt will provide support as you come back to your starting position.
    • Ensure that your back remains straight throughout the movement and your core is engaged to stabilize your spine.



    • Keep your movements controlled and avoid using momentum to perform the extension.
    • Focus on the engagement of your lower back muscles to initiate the movement.
    • Breathe naturally throughout the exercise, inhaling as you lean forward and exhaling as you return to the starting position.
    • If you're new to back extensions or have any existing back issues, start with a shallow range of motion and gradually increase it as you become more comfortable.


    III. Cossack Squat - Enhancing Unilateral Strength:

    Muscle Activation: During the Cossack squat, the muscles on one side of your body are engaged significantly more than the other. This targeted activation helps in isolating and strengthening the muscles of the working leg, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and adductors. 


    Core Activation: Maintaining stability during unilateral movements requires increased engagement of the core muscles. This leads to improved core strength and stability.

    How cossack squats are enhancing Yoga Asana Practice:

     Many yoga asanas involve balancing on one leg, such as Tree Pose (Vrksasana) and Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III). Unilateral strength exercises enhance your balance and stability, making it easier to maintain these poses for longer durations without wobbling.

    Equipment Needed: Yoga straps


  • Step 1: Set Up the Yoga Straps

    • Stand facing the anchor point and hold the other end of the yoga straps in your hand. Take a good hold of the straps. 

  • Step 2: Proper Alignment and Stance
    • Position your feet wider than hip-width apart, with your toes pointing slightly outward. 
    • Keep your chest lifted, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged. This alignment will provide a stable foundation for the movement.

  • Step 3: Perform the Cossack Squat

      • As you inhale, shift your weight to one side and begin to lower your body down into a squat on that side. The opposite leg will extend and straighten to your side. You toes point towards the ceiling.
      • As you lower, use the yoga strap for support by gently pulling them. This will help you maintain balance and control as you descend.
      • Keep your back straight and chest lifted throughout the movement. Ensure that your knee on the squatting side tracks over your toes and doesn't extend past your toes.
      • Lower yourself as far as your flexibility allows while maintaining proper alignment.

  • Step 4: Ascend and Switch Sides
      • Exhale as you push through the heel of the squatting leg and engage your leg muscles to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement on the opposite side, following the same steps.

    • Keep the extended leg straight and toes pointing up to the ceiling throughout the movement.
    • Engage your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings to maintain stability and control.
    • Breathe naturally, inhaling as you lower and exhaling as you stand.
    • If you're new to Cossack squats or have limited flexibility, start with a shallower range of motion and gradually increase it as you become more comfortable.

    1. Reverse Plank with Leg Lift - Strengthening the Core:

    • Core Strength: The Reverse Plank engages the core muscles deeply, including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis. Adding leg lifts intensifies the core workout, leading to improved core strength and stability.
    • Glute Activation: Lifting your legs activates the gluteal muscles, particularly the gluteus maximus. This engagement helps to strengthen and tone the glutes, contributing to overall lower body strength.

    How reverse planks are enhancing Yoga Asana Practice:

    • Improved Core Stability: The enhanced core strength gained from the Reverse Plank with Leg Lift translates to better stability in various yoga poses. Core stability is essential for maintaining balance and proper alignment in poses like Tree Pose (Vrksasana) and Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III).

    • Backbends and Inversions: The engagement of the back muscles and glutes in the Reverse Plank with Leg Lift complements backbending and inversion poses. Improved muscle strength contributes to better control and alignment in poses like Upward-Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) and Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana).

    Step 1: Set Up the Yoga Wall and Yoga Belt

    • Place the yoga belt on the Compact Yoga Wall.
    • Lie down on your back facing the wall with your head close to the wall. Place your heels to the yoga belt.


    Step 2: Begin the Reverse Plank

    • Lie on your back. Place your palms flat on the floor beside your hips, fingers pointing towards your feet.
    • Press down through your palms and lift your hips off the ground, creating a reverse plank position. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to heels.
    • Engage your core, glutes, and legs to maintain a stable and lifted position.

    Step 4: Lift One Leg at a Time

    • Start by lifting one leg off the ground while keeping it straight.
    • Point your toes and engage the quadriceps of the lifted leg.
    • Hold the leg lifted for a few seconds, feeling the engagement in your core and the working leg.
    • Gently lower the lifted leg back down to the ground.

    Step 5: Alternate Leg Lifts

    • Lower the first leg and then lift the other leg in the same manner.
    • Maintain the reverse plank position with hips lifted and engage your core to avoid sagging in the lower back.
    • Hold the second leg lifted for a few seconds before lowering it back down.


    • Keep your shoulders down and away from your ears to avoid tension in the neck.
    • Maintain a steady breath throughout the exercise to stay relaxed and focused.
    • Engage your core muscles to support your lower back and maintain stability in the reverse plank position.
    • Aim for controlled and smooth movements, avoiding any sudden jerks or swinging motions.

    1. Yoga straps supported Pistol Squat - Developing Leg Strength:

    Leg and Glute Strength: The pistol squat primarily targets targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, promoting significant leg strength.

    Core Engagement: Balancing on one leg while descending and ascending in a pistol squat engages the core muscles for stability. This exercise enhances core strength, which is crucial for maintaining balance and alignment in yoga poses.

    Incorporating pistol squat progressions with the assistance of yoga straps can significantly enhance your lower body strength, balance, and stability. Using yoga straps attached to a Yoga Wall can provide valuable support as you work towards mastering the pistol squat.

    How pistol squats are enhancing Yoga Asana Practice:

    Balancing Poses: The pistol squat's emphasis on balance and stability directly translates to improved performance in yoga poses that require balancing on one leg, such as Tree Pose (Vrksasana) and Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III). The strength gained from pistol squats enhances your ability to hold these poses with greater ease and steadiness.

    Equipment Needed: Yoga straps

  • Step 1: Set Up the Yoga Straps

      • Stand facing away from the Compact Yoga Wall.
      • Hold the other end of the yoga straps in your hand, ensuring a firm grip.

  • Step 2: Proper Alignment and Stance

      • Position your feet hip-width apart, with your toes pointing slightly outward.
      • Keep your chest lifted, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged to establish a stable foundation.

  • Step 3: Perform the Assisted Pistol Squat
      • Inhale as you shift your weight onto one leg and start lowering your body into a squat.
      • Simultaneously, extend the other leg forward, keeping it straight and parallel to the ground.
      • Utilize the yoga straps for support by gently pulling them. This aids in maintaining balance and control during the descent.
      • Maintain a straight back and lifted chest throughout the movement.
      • Ensure that your knee on the squatting side tracks over your toes without extending past them.
      • Lower yourself as far as your flexibility allows while maintaining proper alignment.

  • Step 4: Ascend and Switch Sides
      • Exhale as you push through the heel of the squatting leg to stand back up.
      • Engage your leg muscles to return to the starting position.

  • Tips:
    • Keep the extended leg straight with toes pointing toward the ceiling during the movement.
    • Engage your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings for stability and control.
    • Breathe naturally, inhaling as you lower and exhaling as you stand.
    • If you're new to assisted pistol squats or have limited flexibility, start with a shallower range of motion and gradually increase it as you become more comfortable.

    1. & VII. Push-Up and Pull up - Building Upper Body Strength:

    Push-Ups Strengthening the Upper Body:

    • Push-ups primarily target the chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles. These exercises also engage the core and back muscles for stability. Regular practice of push-ups can lead to increased muscle mass, improved muscular endurance, and enhanced overall upper body strength.

    Pull-Ups for strengthening the Upper Body:

    • Pull-ups target the back, shoulders, and biceps muscles. They also engage the core and grip strength. Consistent pull-up training can lead to increased strength in the upper back and arms, improved posture, and enhanced upper body stability.

    How push & pull-ups are  improving Yoga asana practice:

  • Enhanced upper body strength supports arm balances and inversions in yoga, making poses like Crow Pose and Handstand more attainable.
    Increased  upper-body strength can certainly also have a positive impact on poses like Chaturanga.

  • Equipment Needed: Compact Yoga Wall, yoga straps

    Step 1: Set Up the Yoga Straps and Wall

    • Attach the yoga straps to the Yoga Wall at chest height.
    • Stand facing away from the wall and hold onto the straps with your hand.

    Step 2: Proper Alignment

    • Assume a plank position with your hands holding the yoga straps.
    • Keep your wrists aligned with your shoulders, and your body in a straight line from head to heels.

    Step 3: Perform the Assisted Push-Up

    • Inhale as you lower your body towards the wall, bending your elbows.
    • Use the yoga straps for support by gently pulling them, aiding in the descent.
    • Keep your elbows close to your body and maintain a straight line from head to heels.
    • Lower your body as far as comfortable while maintaining proper form.

    Step 4: Push Back Up

    • Exhale as you push through your palms to return to the starting plank position.
    • Engage your chest, shoulders, and triceps to lift your body.

    Assisted Pull-Ups with Yoga Wall and Straps:

    Equipment Needed: Compact Yoga Wall, yoga straps

    Step 1: Set Up the Yoga Straps and Wall

    • Attach the yoga straps to the Yoga Wall at a height that allows you to hang comfortably.
    • Stand facing the wall, holding onto the straps with your palms facing you.

    Step 2: Hang Position

    • Lift your feet off the ground and hang from the yoga straps.
    • Keep your arms extended and engage your core muscles.

    Step 3: Perform the Assisted Pull-Up

    • Inhale as you bend your elbows and pull your chest towards the Yoga Wall.
    • Use the yoga straps for support by pulling them, aiding in the ascent.
    • Keep your elbows close to your body and engage your back muscles to initiate the pull.

    Step 4: Lower Back Down

    • Exhale as you lower your body back to the starting hang position.
    • Keep controlled movement and maintain engagement in your core and back muscles.

    Adding these seven strength-building exercises to your weekly yoga practice can lead to transformative results.  Embrace these exercises as tools to elevate your strength levels on the Compact Yoga wall and enrich your yoga journey with newfound empowerment and stability.



    With love – Your Coach,


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. What are the seven strength training exercises on the Compact Yoga Wall?

    In this feature, we'll explore seven powerful strength-enhancing exercises that can greatly enhance your regular yoga practice and improve your strength levels using the Compact Yoga Wall. These movements target various muscle groups and provide a comprehensive full-body workout.

    1. How can these exercises enhance my yoga practice?

    By incorporating these strength training exercises into your routine, you'll experience improved overall strength and endurance. The Compact Yoga Wall serves as a supportive tool, amplifying the impact of each exercise and allowing you to target specific muscle groups in unique ways. This enhanced strength can translate to better performance in yoga poses that require stability and muscular engagement.

    1. How often should I perform this circuit?

    For optimal muscle development and strength gains, aim to perform this circuit twice a week. Consistency is key to building and maintaining strength. Gradually increasing the number of repetitions or the resistance level of the exercises can lead to continued progress.

    1. Can beginners perform these exercises?

    Yes, these exercises are beginner-friendly and can be adapted to different fitness levels. It's essential to start with proper form and listen to your body. If you're new to these exercises or have underlying medical conditions, consider consulting a fitness professional before beginning this training program.

    1. What equipment is needed for these exercises?

    You'll need yoga straps and a Compact Yoga Wall to perform these exercises effectively. The yoga straps provide support and assistance during certain movements, enhancing your ability to perform each exercise with proper form.

    1. How can these exercises benefit my yoga practice?

    These strength-enhancing exercises complement your yoga practice by improving your overall body strength, stability, and endurance. This can lead to greater ease in holding yoga poses, especially those that require balance and engagement of specific muscle groups.

    1. Are there modifications for individuals with limited flexibility?

    Absolutely. Each exercise can be adapted to your current level of flexibility and strength. Start with a shallower range of motion and gradually increase it as you become more comfortable. It's important to prioritize safety and proper alignment throughout each movement.

    1. Can I integrate these exercises with my regular yoga routine?

    Yes, absolutely. Integrating strength training exercises with yoga can create a well-rounded fitness regimen. These exercises enhance your muscle development and stability, complementing the flexibility and mindfulness aspects of yoga.

    1. How can I ensure I'm performing these exercises correctly?

    The video content provided will guide you through each exercise, demonstrating proper form and execution. Pay close attention to the visual guidance and follow the step-by-step instructions for each movement.

    1. How can I track my progress?

    Keeping a workout journal or digital tracker can help you monitor your progress over time. Record the number of repetitions, sets, and any adjustments you make to the exercises. As you see improvements in your strength and endurance, you'll be motivated to continue your fitness journey.

    Remember, consistency, patience, and proper form are key to making the most of these exercises and unlocking your full potential with the Compact Yoga Wall.

    August 17, 2023 — Compact Yoga Wall